Wednesday, 30 October 2013

Which Font is Best for Your Business Website, Sans Serif or Serif?

Best font for web?
There are many types of fonts. Those with a tail line are called serif fonts while those without tail lines are called sans serif fonts.

However, there is a discussion going on from some time now that which font is the best font for a business website design. When we design a custom website we have to analyze it from many different angles. These angles consist of the design of the business website, its usability among readers and the overall image of the company website on different screens.

As all business websites are made to share content with the public, it is necessary that those website fonts are chosen that can increase the usability of the custom website design.
Here is a Comparison of the fonts that are more readable on screen and in print media.

1.     Sans Serif:

Sans serif fonts are simple fonts without any curves or tail line appearance in them. These fonts are mostly on custom website design and according to a survey almost 60% of the text online is typed in sans serif fonts.
Sans Serif

2.     Serif:

Those fonts that have a tail line or a curve proceeding from the end of character are called serif fonts. These fonts are being used for centuries. In 1931 times new roman was made as the official serif font that is still used in major printed books. Most of the British newspapers use times new roman font.

Serif Font

3.     In print:

Serif fonts have a better readability in print format due to the higher dpi ratio. Though, these are not much more effective on business websites. 

4.     On Screen:

Sans serif fonts are mostly used on screens as is said earlier. But due to recent changes and retina display in IPad tablet PCs. The serif fonts are also getting popular on screen.

5.     Conclusion:

Sans Serif fonts are best for business website designs. Serif fonts will be used on websites in the near future but that will take some time...
Serif for books, Sans serif for Web

1 comment:

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