Monday, 25 November 2013

13 Unique Coming Soon Website Pages

Websites are important because we need to stay up to date with the latest information, trends and all that is happening around us in the world. But when a website is launched more important to us is the coming soon page of a website.

Why is 'Coming Soon' Page Important For a Website?

A coming Soon page is important because it tells us about the upcoming website. We can list everything on a coming soon page to bring the visitor back to our website when it has finally been launched. An attractive coming soon page can make a website famous even before it is properly launched.

Most coming soon pages just have "Under Construction" written on them. This type of design doesn't attract a visitor. A good way is to make a website design of coming soon page different from other websites that already have that design. Here, your creativity will play its role. The more you imagine and the more levels you cross, the more attractive design you will be able to give to your coming soon page.

Below we have displayed a few website design coming soon pages for your motivation. Check them out and get Inspired.

Platina Studio

Platina Studio

Web Success Agency

KKuo Design

On Wp Themes


Web 3 Mantra

A themes

On Wp Themes

Six Revisions

Inspired Core



1 comment:

  1. Nice and lovely coming soon pages.
