Books are meant to be read, reread and read again. But what is the element that will make these books readable again and again. Not all books have such kind of content that keeps people tuned to them. But there are other things that can be done with books that not only increases the respect of books but also gives them more exposure among other books. And this thing is the creative book cover design of a book, novel or a journal.
Logo Design Bizz has made a list of some of the books with special cover designs that are an inspiration for emerging designers. Take a look and decide for yourself.
1. Censored Book Cover Design:
As you can see there are three different covers placed in the below picture. All the covers are of different books and are showing different ideas about the book. We personally have a thing for the middle one. Because it looks more attractive out of the three.
2. Wooden Book Cover Design:
Covers are of many types, colors and themes. What type of book cover design will be the best in old books and novels?
This is one cover that makes a person think that the novel is old. And as 'old is gold' these novels look more attractive in the eyes of public.
3. Life Story Book Cover Design:
Books are man's best friend. They remain with us for long time periods even after the owner of books dies. A beautiful book cover is designed by this unknown designer. Check it out and see the trail of life in this Life story book cover design.
4. Spiral Book Cover Design:
Spirals, groovy figures and circles all are loved in art. We bring you a type of book that has spirals not only on its covers but the whole of the book is cut from the top in such a way that it looks like a bite from a cake by using a curved spoon.
5. Brochure Book Cover Design:
Well this book design is not so different from a magazine style book cover design, sometimes its also called brochure book cover design. Not much to say here, check out the cover design and feel the color combinations.
6. In Style Muskeeter Book Cover Design:
Before you say anything about the title of this book. Check out the binding of this book and ask yourself, does the binding of this piece resembles the shoes French Muskeeters used to wear?
7. Product Type Book Cover Design:
The book in this picture is a perfect illustration of 'The medium is the Message' by Marshal Mcluhan.
We wonder how this book will be read by research students and what will they learn as the 'message'.
8. Art Book Cover Design:
A book on art and without any artistic effect used looks very boring. The picture below is a creative idea that can be used for book cover design of art books.
These are some of the Book Cover Designs that are prominent these days on the Internet. Check them out, get inspiration and design your own designs. Do not forget to tell us about your design and we might put them here for the world to see.
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